User talk:Szczypak2005

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I have a question![edit source]

Why You know what's happening on Tiresome Wikis Wiki?UVA talk

Don't you know? I'm looking on that piece of garbage, I thought this is obvious, the staff of this farm should close that wiki and erase from existence instead of keeping that dead skeleton corpse. - Szczypak64

Well but At that time why instead you should contribute with my wiki on FANDOM and The Polandball wiki they are cute! Probably in every reception wiki have the same group of user and one time you were one of them!Tali have some prejudices about me for my poor grammar,My behaviour is problematic etc. But why?! I want to know by youUVA talk

Actually the community of TWW was kinda decent before CJ came there and yeah, I know him for a kinda long time, finally that guy took over most of those wikis and killed my interest on them. Also, I promoted you as a admin on my wiki for a reason, you can help me in blocking toxic users if they came there :) - Szczypak64

😳!?But where?!UVA talk

on my wiki, I thought this is obvious - Szczypak64

Ok,But why Tali blocked me?Just because I criticize the wiki?UVA talk

didn't you notice that? you said the wiki is toxic and because of that Tali literally blocked you, it's wonderful you didn't realize that immediately

Well probably in that sandbox of New QP you and your friends have say that Tali can't accept criticism!and block everyone that criticize Netpedia!It's true what do you say in your head? UVA talk

yeah, the admins, notably CJ, speaking about CJ, he knew how to become a giant, just treat old QP arristocracy and their claims as saint, not to mention they're so greedy and selfish it's not too easy to believe

During the discussion of why TWW is toxic,Filename2 insulted me as death!And Mar8122 blocked me on RWW because I harassed SSK!Are we joking?! UVA talk

This might be not too easy, especially as you probably noticed, SSK is constantly defending those wikis even if the sources are given, that Filename2 is probably the same person as 339Breakingoof considering their similar behavior, also Mar8122, yeah that pedo, clearly didn't have a proof of his claims. The best thing you can do is just leave them alone, I don't see any better option - Szczypak64
Also... can you make a Discord? If you don't like the Netpedia server, ignore it and only use the servers you like. Brazilian User (talk) 12:17, 25 August 2024 (UTC)

Who is 339Breakingoof? UVA talk

A pretty bad user. Also can you join our server? Click here: Brazilian User (talk) 12:31, 25 August 2024 (UTC)

Miraheze server Discord kicked my butt[edit source]

I was banned for disruptive posting and unwelcome cross platform!At the begin i sayed sorry for the global administartors for sending Death treaths on Reception wikis wiki and We chattered UVA (talk) 12:42, 25 August 2024 (UTC)

when did they do that? - Szczypak64

In this month UVA talk

don't worry about those motherfuckers, they're incredibly easy to offense - Szczypak64

Ehi don't call them in that way!UVA talk

who'll forbid showing my opinion about them? also I just said you shouldn't worry about them & that's all - Szczypak64

Another Question[edit source]

How did you know on TWW on why I was edit warring With SSK for rather laughable reasons on the crappy games wiki page? UVA (talk) 07:37, 26 August 2024 (UTC)

Don't you remember your edit warring with SSK about quote? it's kinda laughable since who cares about quotes? Only SSK cared about that & that's all. -Szczypak64

Well I think that SSK try to be innocent and claiming for 5 seconds me a guilty user UVA (talk)

Don't worry about him, I know him very well, this is obvious he cares only for himself (along with other "admins") considering his actions on TWW for example. -Szczypak64

Well the obsession of the old QP from these guys looks pretty disturbing!But they are inferior,weak and useless the same.I'm pretty sure that they will have a hard time!LoL Telepedia's biggest disappointmentUVA (talk)

exactly - Szczypak64
For sure. You did what you should do: not joining them.

They're strict and mean. Brazilian User (talk) 21:09, 27 August 2024 (UTC) @Brazilian User: Well I learned an important lesson!Never contribute to reception wikis!UVA (talk)

at least to the one that are supporters by old QP members, I try to be respectful to everyone unlike them - Szczypak64

Why the admins like Tali,Mar and Money loves to block me permanently?[edit source]

It's a questionUVA (talk)

Do you think I know that? as I said don't worry about them and the best thing you can do is stop communicating with them, those fuckers killed their own wikis anyway. - Szczypak64

Lol!It's a good sayed thing to me!UVA (talk)