Forum:Advertisement on ShoutWiki

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I would like to know, if there's a way to move the ad from the right side of a wiki to sidebar on the left (or wherever else). The reason why I'm asking about this is that the horizontal space is generally not enough for most pages, and on devices with smaller screens (like netbooks and smartphones) this is causing a problem (see the screenshot below). Also, does the ShoutWiki staff thought about applying for the Adblocker's Acceptable Ads criteria by providing only non-intrusive ads? This way, more money should be collected for covering maintenance costs. Thanks in advance. --MYself (talk) 16:04, 31 March 2014 (UTC)


The text leaking issue is now fixed somehow, but the main problem still exists. This is especially apparent on s:w:tep:Main Page, and s:w:tep:Software, where the pages look squeezed. --MYself (talk) 11:56, 2 April 2014 (UTC)
While I doesn't yet received a reply to this thread, I was shocked today to found out that one of my wiki pages was deleted by one of the admins. Is this the way the staff here is solving issues? Without any discussion, just removing stuff they don't like? --MYself (talk) 15:19, 3 April 2014 (UTC)
There's no way for administrators to change the placing of the advertisements; ad colors and such can be changed, although this isn't exactly something that's well-documented. :-) As always, our help pages are a constant work-in-progress and we do our best to try to document any and all available and useful features, but alas, sometimes we get a tad bit carried away when planning and creating the next cool things for you, and we forget to write down everything.
While we would love to participate in the Acceptable Ads program, I just don't see it happening right now. We have 12497 (and counting!) wikis, the supermajority of which are free. Running a website as big as ShoutWiki does cost money, and the most of our money comes from ads, and text-only advertising just isn't as effective as image-based.
Now, the terms of use — which you've had to accept in order to create an account and again when you've started the wiki creation process — state that "You acknowledge that ShoutWiki does not pre-screen or approve Content, but that ShoutWiki shall have the right (but not the obligation) in its sole discretion to refuse, delete or move any Content that is available via the Service, for violating the Terms of use or for any other reason". Unlike many other sites, our terms of use give you plenty of freedom and space, and we also trust you to be reasonable.
Whilst what you did might seem like a single incident, think about this: what if everyone did the same? What if the first thing every ShoutWiki site did was would be promoting ad blocking? Needless to say that soon enough none of us could enjoy ShoutWiki in such a case. You are, like all of our users, important to us, but likewise keeping the site up and running is also important to us.
Discussion about ad blocking is, of course, allowed, but I strongly encourage everyone to think of the consequences in the long run and I strongly would prefer if "block ads" wouldn't be the first thing new users see. --Jack PhoenixShoutWiki Staff (Contact) 17:22, 4 April 2014 (UTC)
You probably misunderstood me here. My intention was to raise awareness that there's a longstanding issue, and to provide a way that's benefical for both parties. I doesn't think advertisements are the problem, it's just that I doesn't like to see that condoms are now 25% off sale when I'm working on the wiki. Let's face it, most people use some ad blocking mechanism, and for a good reason. The internet is infested with ads, popup windows, and other nuisance like tracking via cookies.
Today, all of these can be circumvented only by using some kind of protection. I understand your reasoning that "text-only advertising just isn't as effective", but think about a little bit. If ShoutWiki will start to include ads that will not be as intrusive, there will be no reason for people to use ad blockers on the site, nor these plugins will necessarily block them. This, and by providing a way for donations (like Flattr, PayPal, etc.) should provide sufficient funding needed to keep up the service. Although this isn't my primary concern, I raised this issue because I do care.
Also, please explain your first sentence, because I cannot understand why the admins of ShoutWiki (like you) are unable to change the position of that one ad. I think there's plenty of space for them under the sidebar (viewable when reading the page).
And thanks for pointing out the "or for any other reason" clause from TOS (I overlooked that). --MYself (talk) 11:25, 5 April 2014 (UTC)

Sorry for intruding, I created the ads are things to: Avoid you can do anything you want on the Internet and / or you lose money (for example, when you say: Click on this button or have such a thing and get a mobile or not I know. you is very clear that the ads are scams and "traps" for any purpose as mentioned above (in my opinion). obviously not move, I saw in a video a man moving programs, but for that, I guess an application is needed. Thanks in advance.--Libros (talk) 15:54, 8 April 2014 (UTC)